This package is an Automatic Pet News autoblog ready monetized with Adsterr and autoposting the latest Pets news and supplies on a daily basis and earning at the rate of $0.03 per click from the website traffic coming in and You are Guaranteed of fulltime support anytime.
The autoblog is monetized using adsterra and this helps you earn online from the traffic received to the autopilot Pet News autoblog ready monetized on blogger or wordpress. Adsterra pays at the rate of $0.03 per click depending from the country which traffic comes from and it offers a number of payment methods which are mainly,Bitcoin, PayPal (Hyperwallet*), Tether (ERC20 and TRC20), Wire transfer, WebMoney and Paxum.
Benefits and What You will Receive:
- An Automatic Pet News autoblog ready monetized platform that is monetized.
- Login details to google gmail account where the site is hosted.
- Logins to Adsterra account where to monitor income generated by the autopilot website.
- Free hosting and domain for the blogger package unless you have chosen the wordpress hosting package and you have your own hosting and domain.
- You will receive a fully designed site including Logo.
- You will receive Fulltime Support Right here.